
An article about Ourschool was featured recently in a publication by inHive, an international organisation working with partners worldwide to strengthen young people’s access to strong networks and relatable role models. Here is the article:

Australia’s first non-profit alumni program for secondary schools! 
Ourschool, Australia’s only not-for-profit alumni program for state secondary schools transitions from its initial two year pilot to a not-for profit company whose sole purpose is helping public high schools build their alumni networks to benefit students and their school communities.
In supporting this fantastic transition, we celebrate its achievements to date: 
  • Working with nine city, suburban and rural public high schools in Victoria
  • 8000+ students (mainly Years 9-12) have taken part in alumni career pathways sessions
  • 210+ alumni career pathways sessions held by Ourschool
  • 440+ alumni volunteers took part in these sessions
  • 4,600+ alumni connected to their schools and the program
  • 104 student work experience placements offered by alumni
  • three student scholarships established, three fundraising school projects involving alumni
  • Helping another 10 schools start an alumni program via their workshop service
  • Created jobs for young alumni at their old schools

See more news.