
Excitement about Ourshool is growing, with more than 160 people attending an Ourschool friends’ event at PwC.

Photo: Panel discussion at Ourschool Friends’ event at PwC, Melbourne

The event was held to celebrate Ourschool’s achievements in our first 22 months of existence and to thank our generous supporters.

Our special guest was Nobel Prize winner and scientist, Professor Peter Doherty. Professor Doherty is a proud public high school alum and a strong advocate of the benefits of a public school education.

Professor Doherty took part in a panel discussion with public high school alumni guests who’ve been involved in Ourschool. His fellow panellists were Manisha Blencowe, a lawyer and Princes Hill Secondary College alum, Jenny Liao, a psychologist and Mt Waverley Secondary College alum and Paul Broecker, Assistant Principal of Fountain Gate Secondary College.

The panel was hosted by Shaun Carney, author and journalist, who is a Monteray High School alum.

Our guests spoke about the importance of their public school education and the opportunities that vibrant alumni networks can provide to public high school students and school communities.

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